Thursday, December 8, 2016

How Is It December Already?

In case you are wondering how I'm dealing after my last post, I'm still mad. Not raging inferno mad, more like hot coals; doesn't look that warm, but will burn you if handled too much.

Anyhoo, aside from my deep disappointment in humanity, November and December have been pretty amazing. I participated in the #30daysofthankfulness challenge again this year, this time with both my personal and teacher Instagram account. I don't particularly like doing it during the challenge itself, but I love how it prepares my mind and my heart for the season of Advent. This year, I had some pretty amazing things and people to be thankful for:

  • Our awesome librarian was able to arrange for a local Oklahoma author to come share his stories with every class in our building.

  • I was able to help setup and witness the nuptials of a dear friend. This was my fourth wedding in two months!

  • A friend from high school blessed my class in an incredible way! We don't get a chance to get together and catch up often, but it is wonderful to know that someone I get to see once a year still thinks about and prays for me.

December brings the only thing that gets me through the cold weather: Christmas!!! I love the holiday season, and I love being able to share it with my kinders.

  • Our class elf made it's appearance on Dec. 1st! My kinders named it Rainbow, and have loved all the holiday activities that our elf has introduced.

  • Christmas also brings presents. I was so surprised to receive a package from my mom with fun new hair! I can't wait to play around and install a new hairstyle or make a new wig with these.
Only 6 days left until Winter Break and a full-fledge Christmas frenzy!

Happy Holidays!


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

I need a mental health day...

Y’all, yesterday sucked.

Let me preface this by saying my faith in the promises of God are still unwavering. I know God is still God, and the sun will still rise and set.

But my faith in humanity, well, that’s a different story.

Yesterday, the state of Oklahoma voted down a measure that would have been a starting point towards economic recovery for education..

Yesterday, Americans elected a man who openly views anyone that does not fit his demographic as less than.

How am I supposed to face my class of 22 kindergarteners today and teach them that the key to success is a good education, when their M.Ed holding teacher cannot independently support herself?

How am I supposed to instill in them the “American Dream” that if you work hard and are kind to people, you will be successful, when the highest office in the land is held by a bully who views them as unwanted, undesirable, and unAmerican because of their skin color, gender, religion,possible sexual orientation, etc.?

Now, before you start to comment to defend the events that took place, please know I have heard pretty much all the arguments. But, that does not address the message that these events have sent to many in a similar position. So, do not explain it to me.

Instead, explain it to a school-aged first generation American who is terrified that they are going to lose their family.

Explain it to your Muslim friend who now fears being able to openly practice their faith.

Explain it to your female loved ones that fear losing agency over their own bodies and the perpetuation of rape culture.

Explain it to your loved ones that identify as LGBTQ that fear losing the legal rights of equality.

Explain it to your black friends that fear there is no end in sight to the “open season” on people who have brown skin.

Explain it to the teacher who is facing the decision to leave the state because you can’t support a family on our salary alone.

Explain it to the teacher that is leaving a dearly loved profession for a 9 to 5 because it has become too much to bear.

Explain it to the senior who can’t graduate on time because the classes they need to fulfill requirements have been cut.

Explain it to those who are scared for the future because they are unappreciated and unwanted how things are supposed to get better.

For 8 years, this state has had the opportunity to make education for all a priority. Instead of investing in the future and helping to fix a broken system, public education has been attacked in efforts to dismantle and monetize the system.

For 8 years, this nation has made strides towards unity and equity for all. Now, it seems that is not something that America is interested in at all.

This is not a rant about the other candidate losing or about the SQ failing. Rather, it is grief for a set of ideals I thought were commonly held among all Americans.

I'm going through the stages y'all. I spent yesterday evening by myself, avoiding election coverage at all costs. Hoping that America would do right, that this was just a bad dream.

Today, I'm Mad. MAD. AS. HELL. I want to scream, curse, break things, and fight.

Only 3 stages left, we'll see what the future brings.


Monday, October 3, 2016

It's October Already?!

Somewhere, someone must have hit the fast forward button on the school year. How is it already October?!? Fall is in the air, and everyone is loving it. Well, almost everyone. True confession: I hate fall. I know, shocking, isn't it? To me, it's the death of summer (my favorite season) and the start of allergies and less sunlight. But enough whining, here's the September highlights:

  • I finally completed my part in the Math Framework project for the state. It was such a crazy, stressful, amazing honor and opportunity for growth to have the chance to work with such talented educators from across the state.

  • I had to take my first sick day. Unfortunately, there were no subs available to pick up the job. Nothing makes you feel worse like knowing your colleagues have to split your class because you are ill. Thankfully, they are fantastic ladies who are willing to step up whenever the need arises.
Sick+Guilt+ Bored= Weird selfies

  • My Sunday night Zumba class started up again, which means I'll be missing out on participating in #oklaed chats on Twitter until the holiday season. Thankfully, I still have #kinderchat on Monday nights. If you have never participated, or at least watched/read, an ed twitter chat, you are missing out! Hands down, some of the best PD and networking available. I've learned more in an hour-long chat than in some week-long workshops. It's such a great way to connect with educators from across the world. Seriously, go check it out!

  • Of course, September means apples. We learned all about our 5 senses during our apple unit this month. Last Friday was Apple Day, and we made Apple Pie Bites and Applesauce! My kinders had so much fun, and it was great to hear their observations and newly gained vocabulary in conversations with their table mates. We used modified versions of these recipes, Apple Pie Bites/ Applesauce, which I found on Pinterest.

Apple Pie Bites pre-baking.
 Shout out to the world's best cafeteria ladies!
They graciously baked our treats for us.

All the ingredients ready to make applesauce!
My kinders were a bit eager to try their tasty creations, so there are no after shots.

September was crazy busy and a tad stressful, but I'm so excited to see how much my kinders have grown so far this year. Bring on October!

Ms. S

Sunday, August 28, 2016

There's No Tired Like Teacher Tired

The first full week is over, and as expected, it was long and tiring. I know have 22 darlings in my class, and about half have very strong personalities. I can already tell that it's going to be "one of those years." Oddly, I'm OK with it. I've had angel classes the past 3 years as I've dealt with personal issues, so it feels like I'm about due. I can't really do anything to change it anyway, so it's best to buck up, put a smile on my face, and do my job with the same level of passion and professionalism.

Although extremely tiring, it was a good week. Here are the highlights.

  • My Donor's Choose project was fully funded!
  • We had our first (unplanned) fire drill, and my kids did an amazing job!
  • We had our back to school dance. I loved dancing with my new and former students.
  • We had our first Sno-Cone Friday to celebrate making it through the week.
Yay for sno-cones and weekends!
I'm looking forward to fall, when routines are more settled and my energy levels have caught up. Perhaps then I'll be able to work on more purposeful posts beyond updates.

Have a great week!


Sunday, August 21, 2016

And So It Begins

Friday the 12th was my first "official-I-have-to-be-here-now" day back at school. After Convocation, my dear principal let us have a work day, which led to a first for me. It took 9 years, but my classroom was ready before Meet the Teacher night and the 1st day of school!

Practically Pinterest Perfect!

The classroom of my dreams

Yes, the green table doesn't match. And yes, it is annoying.

***Disclaimer*** I have moved buildings or rooms for 4 out of my prior 8 years of teaching. And it takes time to make a room fit your needs. So don't be a Judgey McJudgerson.

The following week was filled with two more workdays, PD, and training on our new reading curriculum. Friday the 19th, I  got to meet the 21 new kinders that make up my class. It was an exciting and exhausting day. I celebrated with a weekend of wine, pasta, napping, Pokemon, and my very first #oklaed chat.

Tomorrow brings the first full week. Here's to incredible and exhausting new beginnings!


Thursday, August 11, 2016

I'm Back...Maybe

Well, here we are two years later. I had the greatest intentions of posting more, however life happens. I think I'm still trying to figure out what I want this blog to be. In prepping for this post, I went back and read my entries from my old blog. I am definitely not that teacher anymore, which is neither a good nor bad thing, just different. Here's hoping I can commit to a blogging habit this time.

In honor of my love of bulleted lists, here are Things That I've Learned during my hiatus:

  • Moving is the absolute worst, but is often necessary and good. In two years, I've moved houses twice, and schools once. Here's hoping I can stay and grow roots where I've been planted. And if not, I'm selling it all and going on a permanent vacation. 
  • Getting a graduate degree can take your career in an unforeseen direction, and it is so awesome. Unexpected adventures are the best.
  • Kindergarten still rocks! Watching  5-year-olds conquer concepts and discover the world around them never gets old. There is no other grade I'd rather teach.
  • The longer I teach, the more I look forward to quality professional development and collaboration. Tomorrow, I officially return to work to start my 9th year of teaching. I'm hoping the 5 days of PD before the First Day will yield some useful tools and ideas.
  • Burnout is real, and it changes you. But, as long as there is a glowing ember left in the ashes, there is hope.

That's all I can think of for now.

See you in two years...or maybe sooner.
