Wednesday, November 9, 2016

I need a mental health day...

Y’all, yesterday sucked.

Let me preface this by saying my faith in the promises of God are still unwavering. I know God is still God, and the sun will still rise and set.

But my faith in humanity, well, that’s a different story.

Yesterday, the state of Oklahoma voted down a measure that would have been a starting point towards economic recovery for education..

Yesterday, Americans elected a man who openly views anyone that does not fit his demographic as less than.

How am I supposed to face my class of 22 kindergarteners today and teach them that the key to success is a good education, when their M.Ed holding teacher cannot independently support herself?

How am I supposed to instill in them the “American Dream” that if you work hard and are kind to people, you will be successful, when the highest office in the land is held by a bully who views them as unwanted, undesirable, and unAmerican because of their skin color, gender, religion,possible sexual orientation, etc.?

Now, before you start to comment to defend the events that took place, please know I have heard pretty much all the arguments. But, that does not address the message that these events have sent to many in a similar position. So, do not explain it to me.

Instead, explain it to a school-aged first generation American who is terrified that they are going to lose their family.

Explain it to your Muslim friend who now fears being able to openly practice their faith.

Explain it to your female loved ones that fear losing agency over their own bodies and the perpetuation of rape culture.

Explain it to your loved ones that identify as LGBTQ that fear losing the legal rights of equality.

Explain it to your black friends that fear there is no end in sight to the “open season” on people who have brown skin.

Explain it to the teacher who is facing the decision to leave the state because you can’t support a family on our salary alone.

Explain it to the teacher that is leaving a dearly loved profession for a 9 to 5 because it has become too much to bear.

Explain it to the senior who can’t graduate on time because the classes they need to fulfill requirements have been cut.

Explain it to those who are scared for the future because they are unappreciated and unwanted how things are supposed to get better.

For 8 years, this state has had the opportunity to make education for all a priority. Instead of investing in the future and helping to fix a broken system, public education has been attacked in efforts to dismantle and monetize the system.

For 8 years, this nation has made strides towards unity and equity for all. Now, it seems that is not something that America is interested in at all.

This is not a rant about the other candidate losing or about the SQ failing. Rather, it is grief for a set of ideals I thought were commonly held among all Americans.

I'm going through the stages y'all. I spent yesterday evening by myself, avoiding election coverage at all costs. Hoping that America would do right, that this was just a bad dream.

Today, I'm Mad. MAD. AS. HELL. I want to scream, curse, break things, and fight.

Only 3 stages left, we'll see what the future brings.
