Thursday, December 8, 2016

How Is It December Already?

In case you are wondering how I'm dealing after my last post, I'm still mad. Not raging inferno mad, more like hot coals; doesn't look that warm, but will burn you if handled too much.

Anyhoo, aside from my deep disappointment in humanity, November and December have been pretty amazing. I participated in the #30daysofthankfulness challenge again this year, this time with both my personal and teacher Instagram account. I don't particularly like doing it during the challenge itself, but I love how it prepares my mind and my heart for the season of Advent. This year, I had some pretty amazing things and people to be thankful for:

  • Our awesome librarian was able to arrange for a local Oklahoma author to come share his stories with every class in our building.

  • I was able to help setup and witness the nuptials of a dear friend. This was my fourth wedding in two months!

  • A friend from high school blessed my class in an incredible way! We don't get a chance to get together and catch up often, but it is wonderful to know that someone I get to see once a year still thinks about and prays for me.

December brings the only thing that gets me through the cold weather: Christmas!!! I love the holiday season, and I love being able to share it with my kinders.

  • Our class elf made it's appearance on Dec. 1st! My kinders named it Rainbow, and have loved all the holiday activities that our elf has introduced.

  • Christmas also brings presents. I was so surprised to receive a package from my mom with fun new hair! I can't wait to play around and install a new hairstyle or make a new wig with these.
Only 6 days left until Winter Break and a full-fledge Christmas frenzy!

Happy Holidays!
